Category News

The Mohamad Ali Taheri Case (Oct. 19, 2016)

Source: CART EDIT Author: S. A. Aram October 19, 2016 Mohammad Ali Taheri, prisoner of conscience, is in coma after 22 days of hunger strike. It’s 16th time that Mr. Taheri has started a hunger strike in the course of…

Mohamad Ali Taheri Case (October 5, 2016)

Source: CART EDIT Author: S. A. Aram October 5, 2016 Mohammad Ali Taheri, Iranian prisoner of conscience, started a new hunger strike Mohammad Ali Taheri, Iranian scholar and spiritual teacher, is in hunger strike since September 30, 2016 to protest…

Letter to Mexican President Enrique PEÑA NIETO (July 26, 2016)

Source : CART COM Author: David Bertet, President of the Board of Directors July 26, 2016 (Original publication in Spanish on July 15, 2016) Translation: JB REFERENCE: ACDV/MX/CASO/WALLACE/15072016-TE ISSUE: WALLACE CASE AND OTHERS CRIMINAL CASE No.: 35/2006 AND OTHERS MONTREAL,…

The Mohamad Ali Taheri Case (July 18, 2016)

Source: CART EDIT Author: S. A. Aram July 18, 2016 Review: Alicia Walcott   Temporary Prison Release for Mohammad Ali Taheri Mohammad Ali Taheri, Iranian scholar and prisoner of conscience, was temporarily released from prison on July 14, 2016 to…

The Yarold Leyte Quintanar Case (July 1, 2016)

Source:  Blog Expediente Mx Author:  Ignacio Carjaval July 1, 2016 (Original publication in Spanish on May 9, 2016) Translated by: J.B. “I don’t want my son to die in prison” Summary A mother will spend another May 10 crying over…

The Mohamad Ali Taheri Case (June 6, 2016)

Source: ACDV COM / Amnesty International June 6, 2016 Mohammad Ali Taheri is a prisoner of conscience detained solely for the peaceful exercise of his rights to freedom of belief, expression and association. Free Mohammad Ali Taheri, Iranian Prisoner of…