Month August 2015

David Vargas Araujo (México)

Caso suspendido desde Agosto de 2016. Contacto: [email protected] David Vargas Araujo es víctima de detención arbitraria, tortura, tratos crueles, inhumanos y degradantes, incomunicación, agresión sexual, amenazas y otras acciones contrarias al derecho, a la integridad, a la seguridad y al…

Affaire Mohammad Ali Taheri (le 18 aout 2015)

Source: Huffington Post Quebec Auteur : David Bertet Le 18 aout 2015 L’exécution prochaine de Mohammad Ali Taheri, ou l’échec des droits de l’homme en Iran Le 26 novembre 2013, le nouveau président élu de la République islamique d’Iran, le…

The Mohammad Ali Taheri Case (August 24, 2015)

Source: CNN ireport By Sara2015 August 24, 2015 Mohammad Ali Taheri, founder of an Iranian spiritual doctrine, on hunger strike after being sentenced to death. “Mohammad Ali Taheri” is an Iranian writer, an alternative health practitioner and the founder of…

The Mohammad Ali Taheri Case (August 23, 2015)

Source: CART Edition By S.A. Aram Assisted by JB August 23, 2015 Mohammad Ali Taheri is on hunger strike to protest against his unfair trial Mohammad Ali Taheri, Iranian scholar, innovationist and spiritual teacher who has been sentenced to death,…

(پرونده محمدعلی طاهری (18 آگوست 2015

Source: CART com منترال – 6 آگوست 2015 ترجمه: S.A. Aram   PRESS RELEASE اعدام محمدعلی طاهری را متوقف کنید     منترال – 6 آگوست 2015  در تاریخ 26 نوامبر 2013 رئیس جمهور منتخب جمهوری اسلامی ایران، آقای حسن…